A Healthy You. A Better You. You look around, and suddenly you find everyone around you very health conscious. The amount of sugar in coffee is decreasing; the number of coffees consumed in a day is reducing, gym memberships are on the rise. One in five people
Read more →What can you do to increase the happiness quotient in your life? It’s usually said that the most important thing to be in life is ‘Happy.’ The pursuit of happiness has often had many embark on many a journey towards it, only to be discovered much closer
Read more →You can change your life for good with some simple yet powerful habits Have you looked into the lives of successful people ever? You would find, for most of them, there is often a personal discipline in their lives. These disciplines are habits they have cultivated and
Read more →There are certain habits that we follow in our daily life. Certain habits make us feel good and also take care of your health. It is not easy to develop good habits. It requires a lot of perseverance to practice good habits daily. It is up to
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