Goal achievement begins with a detailed vision for the future. Yet manifesting that vision requires wise planning. A purposeful plan is like a guiding light in tough times. It keeps us focused on priorities and goals that are aligned with our values and purpose. Thomas Edison spoke
Read more →Music influences our daily lives Music can touch our soul and body in a way nothing else can. Music sees no boundaries. It has no race or religion. People across the world make and enjoy music. Music can bond people across ethnicity and races and help them
Read more →Building new habits is a science “Change is the only constant in life,” said Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. And, rightly said too! New routines and a new lifestyle will help you create a better life. Sticking to new routines will become habits, you can thank yourself for
Read more →Researches have shown that values carried by both religion and Spirituality are important to human life. Humans believe in God and in Spirituality, but unfortunately many religious beliefs affect the same thought process due to their ways of living. The ideas in the minds of people nowadays
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